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The designing business is tough. The more creative you are the more difficult it is. Here's some biz tips and tricks for graphic designers, photographers and visual publishers of all kinds. Everyone is welcome, beginners and pros alike. The best place to start is with the latest issue of the Newsletter

The Designing Business

Continued from the previous page

Video Marketing Tips

Adriana The use of videos on the Internet brings numerous advantages. Marketing expert Adriana Iordan shares advantages, tips and tricks for video marketing tools and techniques. Video Marketing Tips

Designing an interactive PDF newsletter

Rob Cubbon, Printing Publishing expert Rob Cubbon shares tips and tricks on how to use Adobe InDesign to make an interactive screen resolution PDF ... Designing an interactive PDF newsletter

Beach Blankets and Business

Ty Freyvogel You'd love to spend a week lounging on the beach with your family. Problem is, you're an entrepreneur with no time for such frivolities. Right? Wrong! Ty Freyvogel shares six summer suggestions for entrepreneurs who want to pursue profits and still have a life

Epson R260 Printer

George EngelA little wit and common sense as author and computer guru George Engel, asks:
      WHY WOULD A GRAPHICS-WISE GUY throw away a perfectly good Photo Printer that's getting 5740 x 1440 dpi pictures?
Well, you'll just have to read his review of the Epson R260 Printer

Designers talk about Freelancing

freelancingSooner or later where there are graphic designers, illustrators, photographers, or other creative practitioners, question always come up: how much to charge, how to get new work, should I broker printing, where should I go for help? Designers talk about freelancing

Essential tips for Freelancers

Lori Leach-ForsterFollowing our series of tips and advice for freelancing, we discovered one listee excelling in the field of web design, with this important advice, and a delightful web site and blog to back it up. Here, Lori Leach-Forster shares her Tips For Freelancing.

Setting Angel Snares

Ty Freyvogel You've finally decided to take the plunge and start your own business. The only problem is your bank account. You don't have quite the amount you'll need to make a successful run as an entrepreneur. Not to worry! Entrepreneurial expert Ty Freyvogel shares what you can do with Ten Tips for Appealing to Angel Investors

Business: Becoming a Publicity Designer

shaun crowleyShaun Crowley has brought a whole series best-practice tutorials for all freelance artists. This month Shaun focuses on freelance designers who specialize in marketing materials. They are in high demand, and can just about write their own ticket if they know How To Be A Publicity Designer

Supplying artwork to printers

Rob Cubbon, Printing Following his last entry, "Preparing your artwork", Rob Cubbon, graphic designer and printing expert in the UK now turns his sights to the next step in making sure your print job goes as planned -- supplying artwork to printers

Marketing with RSS

Adriana In a world dominated by widespread Internet access and chronic information addiction, the number of websites that a person visits on a regular basis increases daily. Adriana Iordan from Avangate B.V. joins us to share professional insight into Marketing with RSS

Going on Press, 24/7

Laura Schwamb Design Mentor Sessions interview with Laura Schwamb, by Thom McKenna talking about the critical stage of any print design job where a designer works with a printer before going to press -- The Press Check

Business: Freelance Marketing Exercises

shaun crowleyLast month's advice from Shaun Crowley is a best-practice promotion for all freelance artists. Now Shaun zeros in on the key elements to selling your serivces with this tutorial: How To Write Marketing Copy That Sells Your Freelance Design Services

Getting Paid

You may think you're just designing a logo -- but Dan Antonelli returns to point out it's really a lot more than that; and he shares his 9 Tips On Getting Paid For Your Work

Business: How to boost your freelancing job opportunities

shaun crowleyLast month's advice from Shaun Crowley is a best-practice promotion for all freelance artists. Now Shaun examines some ideas for artists who want to go a step further.PART 2: How to boost your freelancing job opportunities and increase your fee on every project

Preparing Artwork for Printing

PrintingRob Cubbon, graphic designer and printing expert in the UK shares these important tips for preparing your graphic arts for printing. This is a perfect print primer for beginners to intermediates in graphics-to-print activities. Preparing Artwork for Printing

15 things to get done before the end of the year!

Ty FreyvogelIf you're like most business owners, you've got a huge list of "to-dos" that stay perpetually on the back burner -- entrepreneurial expert Ty Freyvogel says it's time to tackle that back burner list with a vengeance, and shares these 15 things to get done before the end of the year!

Promote Your Graphic Design Business

shaun crowleyNow is a good time to think about promoting your business... special guest, Shaun Crowley, marketing consultant and communications manager for a major UK publishing company launches this two-part article on promoting yourself... PART 1: How to frugally market your business

Designing For Print On A Budget

Thomas McKennaThomas McKenna instructor for Sessions.edu talks about the never-ending battle of the limited print budget. If you don't have much money to spend on printing, here are a few of the tricks and techniques you can use when Designing For Print On A Budget

Post Card Marketing

MarthaMartha Retallick, "The Passionate Postcarder" -- leading expert on post card marketing has released her latest tool box with ROI calculators, and market costing tracking -- for high-powered marketing... Post Card Marketing eBook & Tools

If you build it, will they come?

Portfolio For all those creatives looking for jobs... Dan Tanenbaum reviews the importance of developing a marketing strategy and the options available to get your website and your work seen by hiring eyeballs. If you build it, will they come?

Best Rules For Perfect Print Jobs

The Print LizardAfter thousands and thousands of jobs for designers from every facet of the business world, you'd have it down pat, right? So, it's true with the Print Lizard's collection of Best Rules For Printing Your Piece Perfectly

Promote yourself with a Mini Scratch Pad Press

This enterprising young entrepreneur took the antiquated "Build it yourself Padding Press" from boring to exciting with improvements and streamlining! Best of all, you don't have to build it yourself... The Mini Padding Press

Argue for a bigger budget

Author Joe Walsh provides us with another of his award-winning articles -- and while the article relates to primarily IT network managers, we thought it was an excellent idea-starter for graphic designers who find themselves needing to Argue for a bigger budget

Advantages of Accelerated Learning

Students can take classes at their convenience, allowing them to keep up with their regular jobs or family responsibilities. This article by Alexa K. Apallas fills you in on the Advantages of Accelerated Learning

Sure Signs You're Not Getting Paid

Take advantage of this excellent lesson, excerpted from Susan Kirkland's book Start and Run a Creative Services Business. All business people, especially designers should learn the signs are subtle -- don't be a party to denying your instincts learn the signs You're Not Getting Paid

Web Spyware & Malware Quiz

QuizMost people who think they know all about spyware, Trojans, viruses, and other malware really don't. Joel Walsh helps you make sure you know who your enemies are with his Spyware & Malware Quiz.

If you write press releases, read this:

FredA major step in all business is self promotion. But be careful! Dozens of press releases each and every week all compete for space in the Design Center -- and believe me, there are at least ten good reasons to toss your press releases in the trash!

How Creative Entrepreneurs Succeed

Susan Kirkland, veteran freelancer and author of Start and Run a Creative Services Business, shares some important tips on making your small business last out the hard times. How Creative Entrepreneurs Succeed

What to sell through Online Auctions

After spending long hours on the eBay, doing research online and off, you come up with a niche category of products to sell. But, there is one little problem! You don't have a slightest clue where to get regular supply. Nowshade Kabir can help you with Products to Sell on eBay

Selling through Online Auctions

Nowshade Kabir, noted online marketing expert, shares his experience, tips and tricks for getting the most out of online auction houses like eBay, Yahoo, Amazon and others... Selling through Online Auctions

Review: The Proposal Kit

Joyce Evans Noted author and frequent DTG contributor Joyce Evans needed a quick and easy way to write proposals without crunching her busy schedule.
Here are her comments on The Proposal Kit

Virtual Assistants

Busy graphic designers have more important things to do than the chores that can easily and inexpensively be done by someone more qualified. This white-paper from Team Double-Click helps you understand why you don't necessarily need to hire someone if you've got a Virtual Assistant

Printing Primer for Designers

Originally published in 1989, this printing primer for digital artists has been updated and annotated for today's digital desktop publisher. We've supplied an additional check list for publishing, and a collection of references to the most important printing information available today... Print Primer for DTP

Online Business Essays

Nowshade Kabir, noted online marketing expert, shares his experience, tips and tricks in a number of areas that can help the graphic designer or desktop publisher be more efficient and more profitable:

Using Postcards to Promote Your Design Studio

MarthaMartha Retallick, "The Passionate Postcarder" -- leading expert on post card marketing shares some important advice on saving a lot of time and money in your marketing. Before you splurge on the Yellow Pages or other media, read Martha's take on Using Postcards to Promote Your Design Studio

Picture Perfect Holiday Postcards

It doesnt take a lot of time, money or effort to create, print and mail a postcard. But when done right, postcards can be enormously effective

Is your graphic designer costing you money?

ReichelThe pitfalls of using an inexperienced graphic designer can have financial and emotional consequences. Designers must understand what software program to use for the task at hand. Gary Reichel, experienced pre-press designer shares his experiences with Design Tools

Babel Color Brings New Color

The BabelColor Company has rolled out the second version of "BabelColor", a color comparator and translator software designed for the Mac and Windows platforms. Babel Color Color Comparator

When Good Color Goes Bad

colorColor expert Mike Davis of Colorprep knows what to do when color goes wrong... and many times it's the photographer or designer's fault! So what do you do when Good Color Goes Bad

The Benefits Of A Buddy For The Solo Designer

design buddiesAre you a home-based studio or freelancer? The benefits are many for the solo designer, but feeling isolated can spell trouble. Designing Women Janet Bertucci and Julianne Nardone recommend you find a Design Buddy!

Designless in Seattle

mason Getting a job in the design field may not be as easy as you think. Seattle designer Melissa Mason goes for yet another job interview in pursuit of a big agency design job.
Here, she relates the experience which leaves her still Designless in Seattle

Big Promotion: Little Cards

Promo, promo, promo... here we share some proven promotions that bring a lot of notoriety to your business! If you want to bring them in, just try these Promotion opportunities with creative cards...

Design Consciousness

Special guest writer Jennifer Proia gives us a bit of a pep talk with: Going green with your marketing materials

Marketing through the tough times

Jennifer Proia, Principal of FIRE CREATIVE, a graphic design studio based in Cambridge, MA, suggests no-nonsense, low-cost marketing ideas: Five ways to increase business without breaking the bank

Computer vs. Man

In this feature, expert Research Analyst Jaclynn Bumback points out your need for intrusion protection, and Broadband security woes

Software with Built-In Advertising

Security expert Wallace Wang provides insightful information about a growing concern for all online marketers with Secrets of Adware and Spyware

Marketing approaches upheaval?

Noted direct marketer and online marketing wizard Stacey Hall says universally accepted premise on which traditional marketing approaches are built could use some serious thought and updating -- and points out how to grow your business through Collaboration Over Competition

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Design Law Department

Design Business Forms

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