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Design, Type and Graphics - EDITORS CHOICE

This DT&G Editor's Choice

U-Publish.Com : How Individual Writers Can Now Effectively Compete With the Giants of Publishing - by Dan Snow, Danny O. Poynter... There's a newly revised and updated second edition of "" that builds upon previous editions. The important thing about U-Publish however is that the content is constantly updated at the web site. It's our top pick for writers and authors wanting to learn how to use the latest technologies to publish and promote books at a small fraction of the cost of traditional methods. - Paperback - 184 pages 2nd rev edition (August 2000) Unlimited Publishing; Dimensions (in inches): 0.48 x 9.08 x 6.09 check links
What Every Writer *Must* Know About E-Publishing - by Emily A. Vander Veer... Written for professional and aspiring writers, Vander Veer tells you everything you need to know to get happily e-published, including how to choose between digital download, print-on-demand, and other types of e-publishers; questions you must ask of any e-publisher you're considering; how to evaluate e-publishing contracts and much more - Paperback - 60 pages (August 1, 2000) Emily A. Vander Veer
Guerrilla Marketing for Writers: 100 Weapons to Help You Sell Your Work - by Jay Conrad Levinson, Rick Frishman, Michael Larsen... Jay Conrad Levinson has been around a long time, and has written some of the most popular books in print today on the topic of marketing yourself and your work. This book needs to be on the top of your list if you have any dreams at all of making it to the top of the publishing heap! - Paperback - 224 pages 1 Ed edition (October 2000) Writers Digest Books; Dimensions (in inches): 0.87 x 8.98 x 5.98 GurMkt Our Price: $11.99
Complete Guide to Book Marketing - by David Cole... Cole takes a bit different approach to the subject than the Guerrilla Marketing guys, but his thoughts and techniques comprise an essential reference for anyone who wants to learn the finer art of how to sell books. - Paperback - 288 pages (October 1999) Allworth Press; Dimensions (in inches): 0.71 x 8.97 x 5.97 Our Price: $13.96
Education of an E-Designer - by Steven Heller... Don't let the title fool you -- this book can be a huge benefit to anyone involved in any step in the digital publishing chain. It's not only a powerful reference, but a carefully planned guide to actually teaching design in a digital environment! In this guide, more than 50 cutting-edge e-design experts discuss everything educators and students need to know on the road from traditional graphic design to e-design education. - Paperback - 341 pages (September 2001) Allworth Press; Dimensions (in inches): 0.78 x 9.85 x 6.77 Our Price: $15.36
A Simple Guide to Marketing Your Book : What an Author and Publisher Can Do to Sell More Books - by Mark Ortman... This simple handbook is probably the easiest and best way to organize your book marketing campaign -- whether it's a printed book or an eBook. It's called "simple" because author Mark Ortman knows you've probably got more pressing obligations than schmoozing to market your book. - Paperback (April 1998) Wise Owl Books; Dimensions (in inches): 0.28 x 8.50 x 5.56 Our Price: $10.95
An Author's Guide to Publishing on the Internet - by George Vercessi... This is required reading for anyone who intends to publish on the internet. This edition gives you a concise analysis of the e-publishing field, including history, do's, don't's, horror stories and examples. It's written exclusively for writers who cannot or do not want to join mainstream publishing. - Paperback - 80 pages (November 1, 2000) Eden Press ebookguide Our Price: $6.95

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