How the Black Plague affected typography

From the 1200s through the early 1300s the civilized world was enjoying a rise in art,…

Transitional & Modern Type Families

 Now we continue with the Transitional genre of typography, so-called because of its intermediate position between…

Sans Serif: Gothic and Grotesque

Why do they call Sans Serif fonts ‘Grotesque’ or ‘Gothic’ ? Find out and meet some…

Slab Serif: Egyptian Type Styles

 Continuing the history of typography we now discover many sans serif type faces and how they…


NEED TO SCARE UP SOME NEW FONTS? Did you miss this over the past several years?  …

Type Forms Through the Centuries

One must keep in mind that although typefaces may have come into use at a particular…

Creative Tidbits #235: Getting Rid of Adobe CC? Drones, Maïté Franchi, Legos and more!

July just keeps trudging on! Among this episode’s gems is an excellent piece on quitting the…

History of Typography: Script fonts, scripts, quills, brush and calligraphic

 In part seven of our History of Type, we’ll look at the script, brush, italic and…

Gallery of Typography: 300 Years of Type Faces, Fonts, and the people behind them

I have completely updated and refined our legendary typography series, originally authored by Thomas Phinney. This…

In search of Martin Luther King Jr.

Each year, we like to focus on achievements in the visual communications world in celebration of…