Publish your article in the Design Center

The article posting form is where you can enter your book reviews, press releases or content articles you would like to be considered for publication in the Graphic Design & Publishing Center.

Here’s where you submit your article, review or other content item to be considered for publication in the Design & Publishing Center. Please: post content of value to readers in the design, desktop publishing, graphics or other communication fields ONLY.

  • This is NOT an automated form, and is reviewed by an editor
  • Please post only content items of interest to computer users
  • Do NOT post adult, or non-related content
  • Do NOT post blatant advertising.
  • Links with no content value will be deleted
  • All postings will be checked for accuracy and validity.
  • All spammers will be processed through SpamCop.

All fields are required

Thank you!


By submitting this form you are granting the Design & Publishing Center as well as UGN, User Group Network rights and license for non-exclusive reproduction of this reference link, with permissions to edit for clarity. ALL submissions will be checked for accuracy and validity.

We shall retain all information you have designated above as to your rights and required credits for republication.

You may be contacted for more information about this link reference or other features about your content or web site.

SECURITY: You will NOT be sent spam from this listing. We will NOT release or distribute your email address to third parties. You will however be subscribed to the DTG monthly email newsletter, unless you opt-out in the “Synopsis” field.

Notes: Since this is a full article submission page, we suggest you bookmark the page, then write and proof your article off-line. Return to this form and paste the information into the appropriate fields.

Your email: Your email address must be accurate and lead to you — no “info” or automated robot email addresses will be accepted. We shall confirm receipt of this article to that email address for validation.

Articles: The form accepts articles up to 4,000 characters. All after that get clipped. Contact us for longer or serial articles.

Take Care: selecting topics in selecting the “Topic” and “Audience” for this article.

HTML Tags: The form field for the article does accept basic HTML tags for line breaks, and paragraphs. URL links can be included when referring to product downloads or images. We reserve the right to edit, modify or delete any html code you embed.