Vintage Holiday Photoshop Brushes & Creative Vector Tools

Whether you need to whip out a quick newspaper ad, set up a banner for the…

Photoshop: Create type made from grass

There really isn’t better training than this — and since we are celebrating Lynda this month,…

Photoshop : Deke McClelland teaches creating Hobbit text

Celebrating Lynda this month, we get a FREE Photoshop and Illustrator tutorial from — Deke…

Photoshop Tutorial: Creating Watercolor, Scatter and Smoke brushes in Photoshop

Our friends out at have sent this tutorial to brighten your brushes collection — and…

Adobe Releases CC2015, Designers share and ask: Why are you still using CS6?

I’ve been following this thread for a while on LinkedIN, and wanted to share a few…

Marketing Update : List marketing, content, analytics, the new news media and more and more

Last time we went on about marketing sources and action but today we’re zeroing in on…

Web designers who discover the sandvox are in for a nice treat

Don’t you hate it when your ISP doesn’t understand and doesn’t care what kind of software…

iPad Etiquette: using iPads in your presentations

Got an iPad? Are you using it for client presentations? You should be. New technology is…

One thing most designers and creative professionals lack that will kill profits

Most graphic design projects are singular and session based. However, once you evolve into projects that…

Now you can burn and publish your movies in amazing Blu-ray quality, right on your Mac

Did you get a Macbook Air? Did you get the laptop with no disc drive? Can’t…