How the Black Plague affected typography

From the 1200s through the early 1300s the civilized world was enjoying a rise in art,…


NEED TO SCARE UP SOME NEW FONTS? Did you miss this over the past several years?  …

Type Forms Through the Centuries

One must keep in mind that although typefaces may have come into use at a particular…

Adam Hansel is doing some extraordinary work in the graphic arts and you’ll want to take a look!

Meggs: Making Graphic Design History

This is the book that gives you a rare look into the life and vision of…

We Love you, Yuko Shimizu !

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Yuko Shimizu — a Japanese illustrator and instructor at The School of…

Teach your children about Ruth Bader Ginsburg

As graphic artists, many of us started with coloring books as children. There’s a lot to…

Creative Tidbits #235: Getting Rid of Adobe CC? Drones, Maïté Franchi, Legos and more!

July just keeps trudging on! Among this episode’s gems is an excellent piece on quitting the…

Ultimate Halloween Masks as created with Photoshop

Just imagine if you could decorate real people as well as you can in Photoshop. Well,…

Halloween, Steampunk, Day of the Dead, activities, clip art, coloring and more

Here are our most requested, most shared and favorite Halloween pages from the immediate past! Ultimate…