Fundraising for Terrorism

Which will get you first: stupidity and greed or global warming? In this rant, I continue…

WebCalc calculations help

I discovered this gem of a web site while trying to calculate how many shingles will…

Good-bye old Mac…

Loading up two heaping pick-up truck loads to haul all these old Macs off to the…

Google: Washington to London

Here’s a brief look at my humorous discovery that Google Maps does indeed render the shortest…

Do you gamble online?

An old internet controversy is rearing its ugly head again as the line is drawn in…

Giving up on Google Ad Sense

In my own search for answers about Google’s AdSense sharp decline, I ran across this Sramana…

Second Life…is society ready for it?

… if your life isn’t fulfilling enough, you can join Second Life — where anything goes.…

Pump-n-Dump #2

Here’s a follow-up to our January article on the Pump & Dump stock scams now barraging…

Pump & Dump Stock Scams

Careful what you wish for … penny stockers beware: A lot of people out there are…