Online Social Media Update : Ending the year of Social Media

This Social Media update doesn’t stop! Take your mobile device, iPad or laptop along for the holidays so you can keep up with new social media trends — watch out for all the holiday photos from friends . . .
26 Tips to Create a Strong Social Media Content Strategy
* Social Media Best Practices For Organizations
* Facebook Hashtags: The New Game Changer
* The grassroots effect of social media
* 5 Biggest Social Media Mistakes

…. and the continuing world of social media and networking

Online social media update from DTG Magazine This Social Media update doesn’t stop! Take your mobile device, iPad or laptop along for the holidays so you can keep up with new social media trends — watch out for all the holiday photos from friends . . .
26 Tips to Create a Strong Social Media Content Strategy
* Social Media Best Practices For Organizations
* Facebook Hashtags: The New Game Changer
* The grassroots effect of social media
* 5 Biggest Social Media Mistakes

…. and the continuing world of social media and networking

Facebook Hashtags: The New Game Changer

Facebook as a social network that gives below-average results, but nevertheless has high potential. The recent introduction of Facebook Hashtags will now help you to tap into that potential. Get ready because this changes everything.
      Hashtags are clickable and searchable tags that aggregate content. These two qualities allow you to better focus and identify your online content for those who may be searching for it. Many of us became familiar with hashtags through Twitter. But because Twitter is easily searched, the value of hashtags on Twitter is not nearly as powerful as they will be for Faceboo

26 Tips to Create a Strong Social Media Content Strategy

Are you looking for ways to strengthen the impact of the content you create? It isn’t always easy to generate the buzz you’re looking for.
      Knowing what to publish, when and where can greatly increase the visibility and reach of your content. In this article, you will find 26 topics, an A-Z guide, with key points that will help you create a social media content strategy that resonates with your audience.
READ THIS REPORT Full story : Social Media Examiner

The grassroots effect of social media

Sometimes the best new thing is actually a fresh twist on a tried-and-true method. Such is the case with social media, which is essentially the 21st-century version of the oldest method of influence in history — the grassroots effect.
      But what makes social media so effective in connecting people? It’s the same reason politicians hit the road during campaign season — to meet you where you are, in your environment, surrounded by the things you’ve deemed as important to you.
READ THIS REPORT Full story : Brigitte Merten

Social Media Best Practices For Organizations

Steve Brunetto of writes :
      With statistics showing that 90% of organizations maintain social media profiles, failing to have a social media presence for your organization can put you at a significant disadvantage. However, there is a difference between participation and actually achieving social media success. The following are best practices that can help any organization get better results from their social media engagement.
READ THIS REPORT Full story : Steve Brunetto,

5 Biggest Social Media Mistakes

Look down this list of the top self-defeating social media mess-ups, and see if any of them sound familiar.
      * Measuring the Wrong Things * Too Many Channels and/or Sub-branded Pages * Boring Non-Conversational Content * Social is Isolated in One Department * No Social Media Road Map

More: Social Networking and Media Updates

And that wraps it for this edition of Marketing Update from DTG. And if you want to dive into the world of social media with both feet, just get started on this list.
Don’t forget … we encourage you to share your discoveries from the world of publishing, media, online and creative. Just give me a shout!

And, thanks for reading

Fred Showker

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