Vintage Art : wonderful tags, cards and cigar labels for decorative reference

For years, we’ve followed all kinds of sources for vintage art, and it’s still very much in style to feature selections your the web. For years, the Publishers’ Warehouse has shared literally thousands of these images, along with samples from the Dover book colleciton of public domain images. One of the favorite sources for ‘vintage’ art are labels, cards and posters from the 18th century. Here’s we’re going to look at my favorites from the world of cigar labels. Enjoy!

Vintage lables, tags and post cardsFor years, we’ve followed all kinds of sources for vintage art, and it’s still very much in style to feature selections your the web. For years, the Publishers’ Warehouse has shared literally thousands of these images, along with samples from the Dover book colleciton of public domain images. One of the favorite sources for ‘vintage’ art are labels, cards and posters from the 18th century. Here’s we’re going to look at my favorites from the world of cigar labels. . . .

You can click on any of these to go to an interactive slide show, or click the first, and then just click the image to move forward. Note that some of these are fairly large, and may require a moment to display, and may require scrolling. Enjoy!

roses tarot_cards_1 tarot_cards_2

As I said above, there are literally thousands of images in the Publishers’ Warehouse . . . many are very large, or high resolution for idea starters, or as reference material for your own creations. Of course, subscribers know exactly where the Publishers’ Warehouse is. If you don’t know, our easy confidential registration gets you the address. If you have a site with your favorite collection, please pass it along for everyone to enjoy.

And, thanks for reading

Fred Showker

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