Getty : The Year 2012 in Photos

If something happens anywhere in the world, Getty is there to bring you the images and video you need. How do you picture this year? Getty is preparing their “Year in Pictures” edition, and I’m sure you want to be there. . . get ready

Getty Images, photos from 2012 As the end of 2012 draws near, we wanted to share with you the most iconic images of the year. Jonathan Klein, CEO of Getty Images, looks at their most compelling, history making photos from 2012.


Jonathan shares first-class documentary coverage of the major events this year


Entertainment, society and awards coverage and news


Syrian Civil War, rising dictators, war around the world


The Olympics ~ Presidential Election ~ Hurricane Sandy ~ Conflict in Israel

obama and romney

Getty’s award-winning photographers cover more than 16,000 news events, 28,000 sports events and 50,000 entertainment events annually.

shedding tears

If something happens anywhere in the world, Getty is there to bring you the images and video you need. How do you picture this year? Economies teetered, icons fell and sporting glory lit up the world. They’re beginning to curate the defining images and videos of 2012, to bring you a collection of the BEST in January.

GO 2012 Olympics : Newsworthy photos
GO 2012 Awards : Newsworthy photos in Entertainment

GO 2012 Obituaries : Newsworthy photos
GO Getty Images on tumblr : 2012 Year in Focus
GO 2012 according to Google
GO Google : Hurricane Sandy
Google : Duchess of Cambridge
GO Google : 2012 Olympics, London

GO Getty’s Photos of 2010

And, thanks for reading

Fred Showker

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