The Design Center _/_ Gallery _/_Mike Johnson Gallery

Mike Johnson Gallery | Photoshop Tips & TricksInfo-Graphic Artist
Mike Johnson

Be sure to see our Photoshop Tips & Tricks Interview with Mike

Luddite illustration: To help illustrate a story about business execs who don't know the first thing about computers. (Seen at left)

Hygenic kitchen: To accompany a feature story about how to keep a clean germ-free kitchen environment.

Kistler flight profile: A infographic showning how the Kistler civilian contractor's retrievable payload rocket works. To be stationed at the Nevada Test Site.

Stratosphere Tower: A full-page newspaper illustration timed with the opening day of the Stratoshere Tower and hotel/casino in Las Vegas.

U2 Popmart stage: The Popmart tour graphic I created for media use for the popmart tour and Island Records UK web site.

Mike Johnson does accept a limited number of freelance assignments, so if you'd like to have this kind of expertise on a project for you just feel free to contact Mike at:

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