Free Explosive and Holographic iMessage Sticker Packs

Red Giant has just released Blockbuster and Holomoji, two all-new sticker packs for iOS users. Designed…

Professional Filmmakers can now automate color-correction with EPICOLOR Automatic Colorist

EPICOLOR makes professional footage look realistic and natural, just the way you would expect to see…

Extract and repurpose the images and segments from your video assets — Deframe them!

When you need to work with images and segments of a video after production, you need…

VIDEO Tutorial : How To Make Images Look Old using Photoshop

Learn how to take details from an old photo, and apply them to a new photo…

Outland Space Footage App Released for iOS and Apple TV

What’s better than serene visual inspiration? That’s what I call images and video from space. If…

4th of July Nails

Here we go with a lot of fun video — just in time for the 4th…

Adobe Spark: Creating Effective Video for your Cause or Crowdfunding Campaign

Adobe has teamed up with expert voices from and the Future of Storytelling (FOST) on…

Welcome to Adobe Spark! A new way to generate social media content

Over the years Adobe has gotten bigger and bigger, but with very few really innovative new…

Spark Spotlight: How a Bike Shop Spurred a Pedal Revolution

As this video depicts, this possibly could be the BEST thing to come out of Adobe…

Seymour Chwast: Using irony and sympathy in graphic design

You’ve heard me speak of Seymour Chwast many times in the past. He’s an icon of…