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Adopt an Author

a FREE nationwide program designed to excite teens about reading

Ever read a novel and wish YOU were the character in the story? A hero for the pages... your namesake involved in the action, defeating the enemy, getting the girl (or guy as the case may be). Now, immortality can be yours... and you really WILL be the hero - to tens of thousands of American teenagers, their parents and teachers.

Adopt-An-Author, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, is a FREE nationwide program designed to excite teens in middle and high school about reading and writing using best-selling thrillers, heroic non-fiction, and motivational books. While teachers participating in this program receive free curriculum materials, tests, quizzes, and projects, their students get to interact with best-selling authors via personal appearances, classroom conference calls, emails, and interactive websites.

More than 8,000 middle & high school teacher have registered for the program since 1999, all based on incredibly positive word of mouth. Principals have called Adopt-An-Author "the best secondary school reading program ever implemented," while parents have been amazed that their reluctant teen reader suddenly enjoys reading!

"Making reading fun is the key," says best selling author Steve Alten. Alten should know, he founded the program after learning his first novel, MEG, a thriller about a 70-foot, 70,000 pound prehistoric Great White shark, was named a top selection for reluctant readers by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA).

"Suddenly I was inundated with e-mail from teens, all saying the same thing: 'I hate reading, but I LOVED your book. What else do you have?'

Teachers were taking advantage of the book by using it in their classrooms - with incredible results. Says Marine Sciences teacher Vicky Loehr, "The demand for the book was so great I had to order extra copies." Alten, who earned a bachelors, masters, and doctorate degree in education and is certified to teach, realized something important was happening and created the Adopt-An-Author program. Since then, other authors have been added -- and a lot more teachers. "We add about 100-200 a week when school's in session," says Alten. "The demand is incredible, now we need help from more sponsors."

That's easy to understand. Statistics from the Office of Vocational and Adult Education indicate 23% of seventeen year olds are reading below basic levels, and 25% of students entering college need remedial reading courses. The failure to read is a MAJOR REASON teens drop out of school. This often leads to a higher incidence of alcohol and drug use, teen pregnancy, and drastically limits their career choices later in life.

Can a simple thing like reading a "fun book" make a difference? Ask Alex Rill, a seventeen year old : "...the coolest part was that you read these books and you're so into it, like it's your favorite movie, then the star of the movie comes to visit us. It's just crazy." Says Laura Johnson, a stay-at-home mom raising six children, "my son grabbed the book (The LOCH) and told me to read first 6 pages. I did and I was hooked. I began reading with him... I cannot begin to express what that did for my son and for our relationship!"

But teens, parents, and teachers are not the only ones who benefit from donations - sponsors will too! The staff and authors (all volunteers) have put together some incredible packages to help sponsors advertise their products using high-traffic reader websites and fan newsletters. A Texas Advertising firm has even volunteered to do Press Releases and create a major p.r. event for sponsors and the schools that will benefit from their donation.

And yes... sponsors can even become characters in an upcoming book. While there's no guarantee they'll be the hero, get the girl, or be eaten by a 70-foot shark, one thing is for sure - they'll be helping a lot of teens to read.

If you would like to make a difference in the lives of teens across America, see the Adopt-An-Author program or contact Ascot Media Group for more information: 281-333-3507.


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