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ImageFramer custom image framing

photo-realistic frames for digital images

Apparent Software has announced ImageFramer 2.1, their custom image framing utility for Mac OS X. With a focus on ease-of-use, ImageFramer can apply photo-realistic frames to digital images, drawings or any original artwork. Users can add single frames (with multiple mats), watermarks, batch process several images at a time, as well as colorize or adjust Hue, Saturation and Brightness of the frames for maximum flexibility.

Image Framer

ImageFramer 2.1 adds the ability to add beveled mats and add shadows under the frames and beveled mats. The light source direction can be controlled as well. Also, 4 linen liner designs were added. ImageFramer 2.1 is a free upgrade for all customers.

Minimum Requirements:
* Mac OS X Version 10.4 or later
* Universal Binary for PowerPC and Intel
* 13.9 MB Hard Drive space
* Core Image
Language support: English, and Japanese

Pricing and Availability:
ImageFramer 2.1 can be purchased for $39.00 USD (per single computer license). A Family option is available for only $49.00 USD. A full-featured, trial version can be downloaded. This version 2.1 release is a free and recommended update for all existing customers.

Apparent Software
* ImageFramer
* Download 2.1
* ImageFramer Screencasts
* See our previous review of ImageFramer!

Located in Ashdod, Israel, Apparent Software is a privately funded company founded in 2006 by Jacob Gorban. Leveraging his experience in internet and Windows development, Jacob has been programming for more than 12 years. With a focus on the Mac platform, Apparent Software's mission is creating useful and unique software, complemented by first-class support for its customers. Copyright 2007-2008 Apparent Software. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries.


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