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Graphic Design Publishing - Bodoni Open from Phil's Fonts
What beauty and rhythm of form!

There are many forms of Bodoni to be found, but none quite as beautiful as Bodoni Open. To my knowledge there are no other versions of Open version other than a few cheapie knock-offs, or Caslon Open which has a totally different feel.
__ Giovanni Battista Bodoni (1740 - 1813) is often called the "father of modern typefaces" because his original cut of Bodoni heralded in the dawn of the modern movement. Before Bodoni, Roman style font designers were lead by Baskerville, Fournier and Didot, all of which Bodoni greatly admired. But this Italian printer and typographer approached printing as a means to create an artistic expression in addition to written communication.
__ Today, I often remind my workshop attendees in Creative Layout Techniques and Typography WOW of Bodoni's own words...

No other art is more justified...


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