[Steal this Anti-Spam Logo]
[Steal this Anti-Spam Logo]
[Steal this Anti-Spam Logo]

A Public Service of
The Design & Publishing Center
and The Publishers'Warehouse

Spam-Free Logos.

Tell the world that your web site is a Spam-Free environment...
[*]Mac version (No-SPAMm.sit)
[*]PC version (No-SPAMp.sit)

Each Aladdin Stuffit Archive includes all three logos, plus a standard "NO" ring with slash, so you can build your own.
"Steal" the gif versions at left and BELOW.

Press Release -- A full overview of the program
Background Info -- Why promote a Spam-Free Web?
Return to:
[*]The Publishers'Warehouse . . | . . The Design Center Lobby

These files posted as a public service for all webers who build a
Spam-free, blink-free, banner-free web site.

Publishers'Warehouse is a trademark for Showker Graphic Arts & Design, copyright 1987 - 97. Contents of Publishers'Warehouse Disks are copyright 1984 - 1997 by their various creators. Please pay shareware fees where indicated! Thank you

Show with pride!
...and tell them where you got them!