Design & Publishing Center . / . Photoshop . / . Tips & Tricks

Tip #111

[Help! PS only shows 12 fonts!

Robert ( puzzles us with a problem concerning

Dear Manager, Sorry to bother you , but I am having a problem with my fonts. I only have 12 of them in PS4, but can t seem to add any more . Does it have something to do with the ATM? How can I add more Fonts to Photoshop?

First, let me say that you are NEVER a bother. That's what we're here for.

However, since I've never had this problem, I tossed it over to Joe Kling for comment ...

Joe asks:

Is this a Mac problem or a PC problem?

I've been reading lately that the PCs have some weird issues with font handling in Photshop. I am not very familiar with the PC directory hierarchy. So I really can't address this if it's a PC problem. If you're on a Mac, any fonts loaded into your FONTS folder inside the SYSTEM folder will be accessible to Photoshop. In ver 4.0 of ATM, my settings are as follows:


Fred sez:

Robert, I think you should be able to add as many fonts as you wish. If you are using one of the font mover utilities to mount or dismount fonts on the fly, remember to re-launch PS each time you open or close font sets. On the Mac, holding in the OPTION key while opening the TEXT tool will rebuild the fonts list. So fonts mounted during the current PS session will show up in the fonts list.

I would also caution that some sort of font file corruption may be taking place. You might want to replace a font or two with a fresh copy of your original and see if they show up then.

ALERT: Folks... Anyone with a better solution to Robert's problem, please send it in! Okay?

Design & Publishing Center . / . Photoshop . / . Tips & Tricks

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