Design & Publishing Center . / . Photoshop . / . Tips & Tricks

Tip #117
[...getting a job working with Photoshop?

>>Arthur and Dawn Einig
>>How can I get a job working with Photoshop?  Where do I start?  My brother
>>has it on his home computer, I've played with it a few times, and I want to
>>explore employment possibilities with Photoshop.  Please help.
>>Arthur Einig

This is a tough pill to take sometimes
but here's my advice. Spend as much free time as you can possibly afford and learn this program inside and out, backwards and forward. That might mean taking some classes at the local collage or some of the online classes we will be presenting here at The Design Center in the very near future. Learn as much as you possibly can stand, then go get a drink of water and learn some more.
. . . This is probably one of the most robust programs you'll ever get your hands on. I use Photoshop every day as a color retoucher/prepress professional for a printer of world-wide reputation. I usually learn some new trick just about every day. Photshop is used in prepress & printing, at design studios, ad agencies, photo labs, architectural firms, as well as at medical and corporate research facilities. So as you see, there are many vocations which have some need for computer generated images. As you learn more about how to use Photoshop, you will probably gravitate to one field or another which uses the program and is interesting to you.
. . . Don't be afraid to make some "informational" calls and inquisitions to companies in the field in which you might be interested in working. Tell them what you're doing and ask them if their company uses people who do computer imaging work. If they don't feel as though you are trying to "back door" your way into the Human Resources Department for an interview, they'll probably be pretty forthcoming with good information. I hope that this has been helpful.

Good luck!

Boy, you can say that again, Joe! (ed)

Joseph Kling is pre-press specialist, photoshop photo retouch expert, and generous contributor to the content of Photoshop Tips & Tricks!
see: Joe's
Photo Retouching Seminar!

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