Vintage Valentine's Cuts copyright free clip art on CD-ROM

Valentine's Day Clip & Inspiration We believe, vintage images evolk memories of by-gone days. Mostly created in the Victorian era, these collections illustrate high talent in simpler times -- when artists could afford to spend the time for such art. Now they are at your disposal for graphic design projects, cards or decorations. Even if you don't actually use any of the cuts, they'll provide some excellent resource materials that are copyright free. They're low cost, and provide the ready-to-go

Vintage Valentines CD-ROM and Bookcover

This fine collection by Carol Belanger Grafton has been carafully selected from authentic valentines of the early 20th century, this collection of more than 200 romantic greetings includes postcards and valentine-based die cuts of apple-cheeked children, cherubs, cupids, bouquets, and adorable animals. In addition to traditional Victorian-influenced styles, these illustrations include popular retro images that circulated in the '40s, '50s, and later. For inspiration, we think this one will fill your dreams ...
GO Vintage Valentines CD-ROM and Book

Old-Time Romantic Vignettes in Full Colorcover

This Dover Pictorial Archive was also put together by Carol Belanger Grafton, and brings you a treasury of 370 full-color royalty-free illustrations selected from rare antique chromolithographs. You're going to get lovely ladies, rosy-cheeked children, amorous couples, floral arrangements, clasped hands, doves, and many other nostalgic, sentimental vignettes --- hundreds of them!. Ideal for use in a host of art and craft projects.
GO Old-Time Romantic Vignettes in Full Color

Cupids & Cherubs CD-ROM and Bookcover

Marty Noble has assembled this wonderful Electronic Clip Art collection featuring heavenly creatures in a host of settings — entwined in wreaths, playing musical instruments, holding flowers, and more. Ideal for enhancing holiday signs, posters, and advertising and catalog copy, these 127 captivating, royalty-free, black-and-white images can also be used for decoupage and other crafts.
GO Cupids & Cherubs CD-ROM and Book

Cherub Illustrationscover

Artists and craftspeople wanting to add an element of blissful charm to their next undertaking will welcome this lavish assortment of celestial creatures. Hundreds of engaging images from such vintage publications as Punch, St. Nicholas, and LaVie Parisienne depict a host of frolicsome cherubs riding bicycles, making music, aiming arrows, and engaging in other lighthearted angelic pursuits.
GO Cherub Illustrations

Enjoy these samples from the above books...

click to view enlargements

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Check out the Publishers' Warehouse for hundreds and hundreds more samples that are actually ready to use! And, please don't forget ... we encourage you to share your discoveries with other readers. Just send and email, contribute your own reviews of your favorites!

GO SEE : Vintage Holiday Vignettes copyright free images and resource art on CD-ROM
GO Vintage Greeting Cards offer rich design inspiration And, thanks for reading

Fred Showker

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